Future-proofing with Digital Strategies



Foundry has released today its 4th annual Digital Business research, which surveyed 898 IT decision-makers (ITDMs) in North America (60%), APAC (22%), and EMEA (17%) to gain a better understanding of where organisations are in their journey towards becoming a “digital-first” business.


This year’s study found that digital business transformation efforts have accelerated among organisations, as 93% said they have adopted or have plans to adopt, a digital-first business strategy. This number has increased slightly from 91% the last time Foundry ran the survey in 2021.


When asked what their top objectives are for their organisation’s digital business strategy, IT leaders ranked wanting to improve employee productivity/collaboration as their top objective . Reduction of costs/inefficiencies took second place.


Just under 40% of those surveyed believe that security is the most important step for success in digital transformation. This is not surprising as cybersecurity risks have heightened in the past year, particularly with increased global tensions.


In order to get their digital transformation underway, are looking to several new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. These tools, as we’ve seen with the new generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, have the potential to automate everything from business processes to written content creation. This year’s survey found that generative AI is among the top five emerging technologies that IT decision-makers are investing in this year, along with AI engineering, cloud-native platforms, cybersecurity mesh, and decision intelligence.


“According to IDC Research, the worldwide economic impact of generative AI across all lines of business functions, by the end of 2033 will be close to $10 trillion,” says Ritu Jyoti, Group Vice President, AI and Automation Market Research and Advisory at IDC. Augmented and virtual reality, 5G, bots and edge computing are also among the top five technologies that organisations are actively researching to further their digital-first strategies.


The report is particularly interesting because it’s global in nature with a specific section on our APAC region. You can download an executive summary version from the Foundry website at foundryco.com/news.