BICSI South Pacific’s Dynamic Initiatives for 2024

BICSI South Pacific is thrilled to unveil an array of initiatives designed to empower our members and drive positive change in the ICT Infrastructure industry. Here’s a look at our exciting programs:

Next Generation Program

Objective: Forge connections with a younger, diverse generation and raise awareness of the industry’s value.
Pathways: Develop clear, accessible education pathways leading to rewarding careers in ICT.
Industry Integration: Facilitate connections with employers, providing opportunities for BICSI South Pacific Corporate Members to acquire new talent.

Standards Representation

Opportunity: BICSI Members, as subject-matter experts (SMEs), can actively shape industry standards.
Advancement: BICSI South Pacific is committed to increasing SME representation on Standards Committees.

Positioning Papers

Educational Impact: Leverage the expertise of BICSI SMEs to produce official position papers on key industry topics.
Reference: Serve as authoritative references for professionals committed to best practices and safety in their projects.

Compliance Program

Information Hub: Address legal concerns by providing crucial information about compliance and the potential consequences of non-compliance on our website.
Tool Development: Create an online tool allowing industry professionals to quickly access a comprehensive database of compliant products.

Risk Mitigation Program

Member Support: Address concerns about business risks in the ICT Infrastructure industry.
Education: Deliver a comprehensive program educating members on identifying and mitigating risks in their businesses.

How do I take advantage of these initiatives?

Become a BICSI South Pacific Member. Seize the Opportunity to Access Exclusive Programs, Invaluable Resources, and Unmatched Benefits. Don’t Delay – Sign Up with BICSI South Pacific Today!

I'm a member, how can I get involved?

These programs are driven by volunteers serving on BICSI South Pacific Committees and they need your help. To find out more about becoming a BICSI South Pacific Volunteer, contact Paul Stathis: +61 418 699 991 –